Monday, August 21, 2006


This is a picture taken from a cafe just over the South African border. As you probably have heard, Lesotho experienced a significant snow-storm about two weeks ago and still, the snow is evident on the mountains. It is a beautiful site in fact, with the Lowlands, sunscorched and brown running right up to the foot of the mountains, covered in snow.

In other news, not much to report. The puppy, named Lunessa, is doing well. I doggy-sat on the weekend which entailed Lunessa either lying at my feet or sitting beside me, helping me slog through some Amartya Sen.

Work is going well. This week I will be out of the office working with a few consultants on Tourism projects in Lesotho. Also, getting excited because not this weekend but next I am off to Durban. Oh to see the ocean again!