Friday, July 28, 2006

It's Friday!

It's Friday which means I am 23 years and one week old. It also means that in an another hour I am off work and will be hitting the golf course with John (guy in pic) and Pedro. The three of us have decided to take up golf as there is a course about three minutes from where we work.
Certainly the course bares no resemblance to any course back home but there are greens and most of the ground is covered by a form of grass. Again though, the novelty of being able to to play a round of golf for $6 is pretty cool.

What is even stranger though, is hitting "a bucket" of balls before heading out on the course. As you jump out of the car, you get asked by a bunch of guys if you want to golf. What they mean is, "do you want me to fetch the balls that you hit into the field?" Seriously. What happens is you buy balls from a store and bring them to the "driving range," basically a big field, line up your balls, pay your fetcher (for lack of a better word) a few Rand, and start drilling them into the field. When you hit the ball, they chase it down, put it into a bag, and when you are done they bring all the balls back to you. Quite honeslty it feels somewhat wrong to me to have somebody chase after my beautiful, long, straight drives, but they are keen to do it, and they do earn a good wage in doing this work.

I think this weekend I am going to just chilld. I Have been a little under the weather this week so some R & R would probably do me good. I also registered for French classes today, which will start next Wednesday. A bientot!