Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Life in Lesotho

It has been a while since I last blogged. Not too much to report since then. I am now two weeks into my French course and it is going well. My teacher is from the Congo and has an accent just slightly more difficult to comprehend than that of a francophone Quebecer. I have also had keys to John’s truck (which has diplomatic plates) for the last week and have enjoyed cruising around in that.

Work is going really well. I am now working with two Units: Governance being one and Energy and Environment the other. With Governance I am still working on setting up the Human Rights Commission and this week, finished up a proposal for UNCT Lesotho to receive funds and a Human Rights Advisor through Action 2 funding. With the Environment Unit I am working on a few projects, one of which is setting up a National Youth Council, and another is bolstering Lesotho’s tourism industry. All said, I am busy but thoroughly enjoying the work assigned to me.

One thing of note is that the compound has adopted a puppy. Last Thursday, as two of my colleagues, who live in the compound with me, were driving home, they came across a puppy that had been hit by a car. It was nearly dead but they took pity on it and basically resuscitated it. They brought it to the vet the next day and yesterday, the vet allowed us to bring it home. It is not clear yet whether it will make a full recovery or that its back hips will heal appropriately, but it seems full of life and happy to be alive so we are optimistic. It is part lab so this should help mitigate me missing my dog.

Last two weekends have been absolutely gorgeous, blue sky, warm sun and a nice breeze and have largely consisted of me sitting on my deck, reading, a few beers, and listening to good music. In terms of music, I am excited for when I return home and can share all the music I have acquired and learned about since my arrival here. I have been introduced to so many good Irish, British, Swedish and South African bands and I am sure will know more by the time I leave.